Find out how My Aged Care can help you

How My Aged Care can help you - Transcript

Narrator: My Aged Care is your starting point to access government-funded aged care services.

Whatever your situation, specific needs, or background, we can help you understand what types of services are available - from services that help you live independently at home to short-term care that helps you get back on your feet, to moving into an aged care home when you can no longer live at home.

Once you have the information you need, you can call us to discuss your needs and find out if you require an assessment. If you do, an assessor will come to your home for a face-to-face assessment to work out what services you are eligible for.

We can also help you estimate the fees you may have to pay, and what service providers are available near you.

Wherever you are on your aged care journey, My Aged Care can help you get started.

Find the help you need with My Aged Care.

Go to or call 1800 200 422.

Find support for your situation

Pick the option that best matches your situation to see quick links to the most popular pages.

Help for people looking into aged care.

Here are some recommended links to get you started — whether you want help around the house or are thinking about moving into an aged care home.

Help for carers and family members

Here are some recommended links to help you support a friend or family member to access aged care services.

Help for health professionals

Here are some recommended links to help you support your patients and clients.

Get started with My Aged Care in 4 easy steps

There are four key steps to accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services. You will find these steps repeated across our site, so you can choose the right step for you at any time.

Man cleaning for older woman

Step 1. Learn about different types of care

If you are just starting out on your aged care journey, this is your first step. You can see what services are available to help you stay in your own home, or what to expect in an aged care home.

Learn about care types
Female assessor with clipboard

Step 2. Get assessed for aged care services

If you’ve had a look at what services might be available and you want to know if you are eligible, this is your next step. Read about how to apply and what’s involved in the assessment process.

Start your assessment
Woman in wheelchair talking to female assessor

Step 3. Find a provider in your area that suits your needs

If you’ve been assessed and are ready to find a provider and set up your new services, start here. Find out what to consider and get information about service providers near you.

Find a provider
Man and boy sitting on bench

Step 4. Manage your services

If you are receiving services and want to check what you’ve got in place or make some changes, head to this section.

Manage your services

Need some help?

If you need some help, the My Aged Care team can support you over the phone.

Find out more about setting up a representative

Explore accessible support and information

Find out about advocates and how they can help

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