Published date: 20 December 2022
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s job is to protect the rights and interests of people who use Commonwealth-funded aged care services.
The Commission makes sure that aged care services provide the best care possible and respect your rights, in line with the Charter of Aged Care Rights.
How does the commission do this?
The commission looks into the quality of residential aged care or home services funded by the Australian Government. This covers most aged care services but does not include retirement villages.
The commission does this by:
- checking aged care services to make sure they meet the Aged Care Quality Standards
- looking into complaints about services made by people receiving care, their families and others
- requiring aged care providers to make changes when they are not meeting the standards or respecting the rights of aged care consumers
- making sure that aged care providers manage your fees and contributions properly, as well as the government funding they receive
- making sure that new organisations that want to provide aged care services are suitable
- investigating serious incidents that happen in aged care services
- publishing information about their findings when they check on services
- explaining what good quality care is, and what you can expect from services.
More information
To learn more about the commission you can visit their website or download the factsheet: What is the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Last updated date: 10 September 2024